U14 girls RED 23/24
Sun 12 May 2024
Ashford Hockey Club
U14 girls RED 23/24
T2 Play offs
SE England Tier 2 League Finals

SE England Tier 2 League Finals

Ruairidh Roberts13 May - 07:49
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Ashford Reds Champagne Moment

It acted as the perfect metaphor. As the rains came in Nottingham and served up a total washout on a day that wasn't meant to be……perhaps the glorious sun, the unbelievable arrival of the Aurora and a sky so blue you would not be surprised to see people swimming in it; yes, perhaps this was a signal that this day was going to be different.

It was the day that Ashford Hockey Club's gallant U14G Red team were facing Marden and Surbiton to see who would be crowned South East England Tier 2 League Champions.

And this day was blisteringly hot.

Circumstances had possibly fallen Ashford's way, with the events being hosted at The Fortress, Ball Lane. Surbiton having to travel the furthest had been offered the choice of fixture timings and decided to get both their matches played first, and so it landed with Ashford book-ending the day and having what proved to be a very desirable break between games.

But it wasn't all going our way, as Josie was struck down with sickness we were a player down before we'd started.

Having researched Ashford Town's history, it turns out there isn't much to write about, no real tales of excitement or legend to draw upon and none of the schools look even a little bit like Hogwarts!

It was all the way back in 1086 that Ashford was first recorded as an English town, featuring in the Domesday Book, of course under the then stewardship of William the Conqueror. Much like his efforts ten centuries ago, Ashford was about to see another all-conquering display.

Just like Gemma and Stan, part of a coaching team, who all season had ridden the, mostly, highs and sometimes lows with these girls, but on this occasion were working up sun and sangria induced red faces in Barcelona, so the girls were asked to put in a shift today, to come off red-faced and victorious in a final chance for honours and they didn't disappoint. Not here. Not today. Not at The Fortress, Ball Lane.

Game 1
AHC v Surbiton

Supported by Ian “Caspar” Fraser, Ru was at points exasperated, voices already going horse from calling out across the pitch. As had happened all year, there was a little bit of sluggishness in the first half. But the tactics of a half-court press were working, and Surbiton who'd arrived with confidence and a point to prove after Ashford had knocked them out of the Plate quarter final, seemed uncertain about what to do with so much space in their half and began to make mistakes. The chance was there, a stirring half-time talk at the break needed and what happened next is what will have historians pouring over web pages and books trying to decipher tales of legend for years, nay decades…..nay centuries to come.

The second half had Ashford first to every ball, decisive in possession and perfect in defence. The goal was inevitable, although perhaps you'd be forgiven for assuming it would have come from Issy, who'd been the goal machine all year. The quiet, yet ruthless, Emily King got the goal that gave us a three point lead after game one.

Surbiton had been physical, sometimes forgetting what game they were playing as they deemed it appropriate to put two hands on our backs and send players into the astro-turf, but it was a good game of hockey and the second half perhaps the best we'd seen our girls play.

A much deserved break to follow and we could take note of Marden in the next game to see what we were up against.

Marden were good. We knew they would be, they'd beaten us earlier in the season and they raced to a 3 goal lead against a tired Surbiton. We started to do our calculations, what result did we actually want to happen here? Ideally a Surbiton win but a draw would do. Marden winning with a large goal difference was the worst result.

The girls were also doing their homework, reporting back to Ru during the game how quick they were running 1 on short corners, and that a straight strike wasn't on for us. We'd taught them well.
Surbiton down, but not quite out managed to reach deep down and pull something together, scoring 2 goals in the second half ending 3-2. They were going home, but had given us a slightly better chance as we headed to game 3 with an even goal difference to Marden.

Game 2
AHC v Marden

The North Downs Way, where it connects with the Pilgrims Way running across the top of Ashford towards Canterbury, has been transformed in recent years into a grape-growing frenzy, as the weather change and soil conditions have made this part of Kent a perfect production zone for sparkling wine, to challenge any French made equivalent.
Marden is full of apples.
With Gemma and Stan out of the way, there'd be no conflict of fruity cider favourability. No. Surely this game was to be Ashford's Champagne moment?!

Ashford were out of the blocks well, we'd switched from the half court tactic to a higher press, to test Marden’s fatigue having just played. We were now down to just two subs so rotation continued to be key, but the girls were going to have to work with many playing every minute of this intense encounter.

A high press, quick passing system was needed and with some unfortunate F-bombs being dropped in the team talk from one of the coaches (sorry!?) the girls knew this game was the culmination of a season of expectation. A momentum that no-one wanted to stop, an opportunity to shake off demons from Nottingham.

It was a time for grit and our girls have it. WHAT A TEAM PERFORMANCE.

The girls were winning back possession quickly and so much of the pressure was going our way and so it told, when Hattie, who'd been an engine in midfield all year, but was regularly claiming she can't shoot….unleashed what has this morning been reported on the BBC as a possible meteorite sighting, off a short corner slip. We'd decided no straight strike, but the ball went out to Hattie and there was no time. No matter. The ball hurtled goalwards clipped someone's stick on the way and burst the net. The cheers went up and we had the lead.

What our girls don't do, is make it easy. They played with the energy and intensity that we wanted throughout. They played brilliantly, but as the game began to head to the final whistle, there was a spell of pressure from the Marden team. Elsie made 2 or 3 vital saves and with just a minute to go their pressure told and they won a last gasp short corner.

Nottingham. Shades of that game coming back to haunt. Could we hold on?

No. It was a scramble, and in the coaches dugout we could only watch on as the ball finally nipped in and hit the back board. Disaster, heartache. The final whistle. Shuffles.

A combination of volunteers and delegates made up our five shuffle takers and try as we might, with Ru attempting to calm her nerves and deflect from the responsibility and Caspar giving tactical instructions, it is basically impossible to remove the attention and pressure from the goal-keeper. Elsie. She’d vocalised, not once, that she desperately didn't want shuffles today.

Sophie D won the toss, and elected to go first. A captain's performance all day, throughout which she had been at times mesmerising, culminated in a quick, feint left drag right and bang. 1-0.

Marden v Elsie Boyd I
Elsie stood up, danced to her left as the Apple tried to pass her, she put her off enough for the shot to clatter against the upright and we remained in front.

Emily King, impossible to tell if she felt the nerves or not. Quick, powerful, 2-0.

Marden v Elsie Boyd II
Elsie who had more or less stayed on her feet all season, threw herself to the left, desperate to do whatever it takes. Just missing the ball and Marden had their goal. 2-1.

Aoife Roberts. Possibly wondering at this point which sharp kitchen utensil she'd use on her dad for this delegation of duty, didn't disappoint. Calm as you like. 3-1.

Marden v Elsie Boyd III
SAVED. This one didn't get through, Elsie stood up, danced sideways, got her kicker on the ball and kicked it clear. 3-1

If we score. We've done it.

Has there been a more dependable player than Ruby all season? She'd been to three finals this season and yet still needed a winners medal. She's frankly brilliant and could be the one to secure this title.
No! This time their keeper, a former Ashford player, did just enough and in going to ground trapped the ball so there was no real rebound chance. 3-1.

Marden v Elsie Boyd IV
No contest. Not now. Any fear that may have existed before had gone. Elsie was the boss, and this was her D. The Apple hadn't asked permission to enter it and Elsie did what any decent bouncer would do. Sent her packing. The player took the ball right, Elsie danced, no floated (like a butterfly) to the left, got her deflection and as the ball raced across the face of goal, despite a full set of armour, Elsie was first to kick it clear.

Ashford had done it!

How do you like them apples?!
This was pure champagne.

A season of utter brilliance. A day of stress and strain and total hockey.

All the girls deserve a mention. But today, despite so many heroics, Sophie D's lightening runs out of short corners, denying so many shooting chances; despite Aoife's waist high deflection; despite Frazzle working so hard in midfield to attack; despite Scarlett’s cool, calm clearances under pressure; despite Sophie P, Lizzie and Maya all causing havoc on the wings and creating so many attacks; despite India and Isla chasing down lost causes, tracking back and pressing so well; despite Issy lonely at times up top, keeping their defences terrified; despite Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby being Ruby and so swiftly turning stoic defense into devastating attacks; despite our engine room of Emily and Hattie, so good. So good. And the goals coming from those two; despite Elsie, yes even despite Elsie's bravery and heroics, I can't single out individuals. This is a team, and we see them as one.

Champions of SE England Tier 2.

The End………?

Match details

Match date

Sun 12 May 2024



Meet time



This Fixture is to decide who Wins the Tier 2 Group!
Winners of all 3 pools us, Marden, Surbiton will play each other to decide the overall winner!
We will have a game at 11am & 2pm
We will play in our home kit Navy tops and Red socks.
Team overview
Further reading